Buying a Used Forklift
After deciding on the spec, brand and type of deal, you have to ensure that the truck is fit for purpose and that it has been refurbished - not just cleaned and given a coat of paint!
Our used truck warranty:
After cleaning, we carry out a full inspection/examination of the truck using the industry standard checklist for Thorough Examination. Part of this covers the LOLLER regulations and from this we derive what items need to be refurbished or replaced. Then we look at aesthetics and a customer's chosen options.
We apply our experience to the given machine / type/ brand etc, and know which parts need attention given the age and use the machine has had, combined with knowing how they perform with end users.
For cosmetic appearance we always exceed the customer’s expectations.
We apply a 50% rule to parts which have an established life expectancy and can be measured. If it's 50% worn then it is replaced. This would typically include tyres, chains, forks, motor brushes (if not AC), steer pins, hydraulic hoses, cable harnesses, brake pads/shoes etc. This means that in the critical areas you actually get a machine that is fit for at least the next 5 years – more if your application is light duty. For example...
The final inspection and road test is carried out by the engineer who is appointed to the customers’ account.